Affiliate Basic- How to Uncover the Hottest Markets Around


Some affiliate Marketers look for products first, and then they look for people to sell these products too. That’s backwards. What you want to do is find an eager, cash-paying audience FIRST, and then simply offer whatever it is they’re already buying. It’s a much easier way to become a successful affiliate.

So what you need to do is start by brainstorming and then researching markets to uncover the affiliate goldmines. That’s what you’ll find out how to do in this video…
Okay, so start by just creating a big list of possible markets for yourself. These might be markets that you’re personally interested in, such as markets related to your own problems or hobbies.
For example – do you golf? Do you like dogs? Do you want to lose weight? Do you do any bodybuilding? Do you restore old cars? Do you write novels? Do you crochet beer-can hats and sell them at the county fair?
Whatever it is that has sparked your own interest, write it down.
Next up, write down the interests, problems and hobbies of your friends, family and coworkers. Does Uncle George like dressing in drag and going out on Friday nights? Does your coworker always talk about hydroponic gardening? Is your friend obsessed with tattoos?
These are the sorts of things to add to your list.
Next up, pay attention to the world around you. Read the news. Eavesdrop on people. Watch reality TV. Talk to hip teenagers to see what’s happening. You can get plenty of ideas for potential markets by just opening your eyes and ears to what’s going on all around you.
Okay, here’s another idea – this is a way to discover markets and niches you never even knew existed…
Go to your favorite keyword tool – could be Google’s free keyword tool, or WordTracker or MarketSamurai or whatever you like. Then enter in general keywords like…
“how to”
“secrets of”
“tips for”
“get rid of”
“get more”
See what I’m saying?

When you plop one of those phrases into a keyword tool, you’ll get all sorts of crazy things that people are looking for in the search engines.You can also do this using Google’s auto fill feature. Just start typing something like “how to” in Google’s search box, and it will automatically guess what you want to search for based on what others have searched for.

For example, enter in the vague search “how to,” and Google will spit out all sorts of possibilities such as: how to boil an egg, how to kiss, how to tie a tie, how to write a cover letter, how to knit … and many more. Sure, some of the ideas you’ll get will be absolutely worthless to you. But you’ll also be turned onto some very good affiliate market possibilities, like those who’re wanting to learn how to lose weight, write a cover letter or write a novel.

So your next step is to separate the wheat from the chaff. What you want to do is figure out which of these ideas on your list are actually profitable. And the way you do this is by snooping around a bit online. First, go to Google and run a keyword search for the market, like “golf” or “weight loss” or “drag queen.” Then take this same keyword search and run it through a big marketplace or two, like Amazon’s. 

What you’re looking for is evidence that there is a big, hungry market that’s willing and able to buy related products and services. So put on your Sherlock Holm’s hat, and let me tell you how to spot and recognize this evidence…
First, you’re looking for evidence that the market is buying products and services. For example, if you run a search in Amazon for “weight loss,” you’ll get over two hundred thousand hits. Check out some of these weight loss products, and you’ll see that many of them are bestsellers on Amazon.

Together, these bits of evidence become a big blinking neon sign that you’re dealing with a huge, hungry market… (and no pun intended!) Now do another search, such as one for “mousetrap cars,” and you’ll come up with just 87 products. That’s tiny – not exactly proof that there’s a huge market just clamoring to buy mousetrap cars, kits, parts or guides. So that’s
the kind of market you’d cross off your list, because you want a market that’s rabidly passionate and willing to buy a lot of products.

The second thing you’re looking for evidence that the marketers are willing to spend money to advertise to their niche. That’s a big sign that the market or niche is profitable, because smart marketers don’t flush money down the toilet.
So look at the sponsored ads on Google when you run a search – are there plenty of them? Look at the sponsored ads on Amazon. Look on eBay. Check out classified ads in the back of related publications. See if related websites are filling their ad spots.
In short, follow the money.
Go back to the example of weight loss – you’re going to see advertisers spending gobs of money online, on TV, in print and everywhere else to reach their market. That’s a sign of a profitable market.
Now run a search in Google for mousetrap cars – at the time I’m making this video for you, not a single paid ad shows up alongside the regular search results. That’s a sign of a small market or a tightwad market… either way, not something you want to jump into.
Okay, so now it’s your turn. Go do your market research. Find out which markets have eager audiences that are buying products and services. You can even use Google Trends to see if a particular market is gaining in popularity over time.
Do this and you’ll create a short list of markets that look super profitable. Pick one… and you’ll be one step closer to becoming a successful affiliate.

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